Park & Fly Packages at TUNE Hotel KLIA-KLIA2
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Park and Fly voucher/ticket under the Park & Fly package commences on the same day of check-in date. For e.g., if your room booking is for 1 January, 2024, your Park and Fly ticket commences on 1 January, 2024 as well.
The validity of the Park and Fly tickets/vouchers start within the first 24 hours of your parking entry ticket date.
If you are a guest of Tune Hotel klia2 who did not buy a Park and Fly package and decide to purchase the Park and Fly ticket post booking, you may purchase it at the front desk counter upon check-in.
If you exit your vehicle past the Park and Fly ticket timeframe, you will be charged RM46 per day for every extended day. For e.g., if you leave on day 6 of your 5-day Park and Fly ticket, you will be charged an additional RM46.
Guests who decide to exit their vehicle earlier than the Park and Fly ticket timeframe (whether 3-day or 5-day ticket) will not be refunded of any amount.
The packages stated here are only available if you make the purchase from
Park and Fly tickets can be collected upon check in at Tune Hotel klia2
We are not required to provide a refund if you change your mind on the purchase made
Please see our
Terms and Conditions
on Cancellation Policy.
Please see our full
Terms and Conditions
in respect of the booking
The packages are available for purchase a minimum of one day prior to intended stay dates. Book further in advance to ensure and secure your Park & Fly packages.